Legal recruitment agency for employers
At Kaleidoscope we aim to create legal recruitment solutions to satisfy each employer.
We recruit for large, mid-tier and boutique law firms as well as a range of corporate entities. We undertake recruitment largely on a contingency basis. We are happy to take briefs from any jurisdiction, so long as we have experience in that location. We recruit permanent, contract and temporary staff across the whole legal spectrum.
How We Find Our Candidates
We obtain candidates from our database through volume advertising, networking and profile and most significantly, by referral. A significant number of candidates who seek us out do so on the recommendation of a colleague. A very significant but smaller number are also recommended to us by our clients. Our legal contacts are surprisingly broad.
Our Recruitment Process
After obtaining an initial CV we informally telephone-interview applicants and, typically, arrange a face-to-face meeting. At the meeting our aim is to get to know the candidate as best we can and undertake standard word and typing speed testing. While we usually discuss an actual role at that point, it is more important that we create an open and honest dialogue with the candidate from the outset. It is by gaining this trust that we can commence to have a real dialogue with them and ultimately assist them in making an informed career choice. As career advisors we also recognise that in some circumstances the best career advice we can give an applicant is to stay in their current role.
We take the time to address the applicant’s experience in detail, probing where appropriate and addressing any areas of concern. We ensure that the CV we are provided with is detailed and make notes on the candidate’s presentation, career goals and personality. We are trained in detecting evasive and deceitful behaviour and, where issues arise, take the time to investigate them after the interview.
Once a candidate has authorised us, we provide relatively untouched CV’s to our employers together with a brief profile summarising the candidate’s application and their testing scores. We do not take references (unless provided in writing or requested by the employer) at this point. CV’s are only provided to employers on the express instructions of our candidates – we do not float CV’s or send out anonymous CV’s without consent. We abide by the Privacy Act and moreover treat our candidate’s applications as confidential and with appropriate respect.
The Interview Process
When a candidate is selected for an interview we ensure they are informed, organized and keen to attend. If there are competing applications or other issues that we are made aware of we seek authority to inform our employers of these. We do not usually undertake checks of professional registration, visa status or academics and do not demand that documents provided to us be certified copies unless instructed to do so. While we do give lengthy consideration to a candidate’s personality type, we do not undertake personality or medical checks unless requested.
The Decision
We are happy to assist in the due diligence process and will undertake oral references as appropriate and as instructed by the employer. References are provided in written form. We are happy to assist with salary negotiations and to recommend appropriate offers.
What We Need to Know About You and the Role
To be able to assist you in finding the right candidate for your law staff it is crucial that we get to know you and your organisation. To assist us we will need to know basic details about your organisation, the role and its level of autonomy and the skills required. For organisations with formal HR practices, we are happy to work with position descriptions and assist in drafting them. We will also need to know the type of personality sought and the key personal attributes that the candidate will need to have to succeed. We will need you to advise us on salary, packages and incentives and are happy to recommend appropriate remuneration.
Our rates are flexible and competitive and can be tailored to suit your particular needs. Please contact us if you wish to discuss them or any legal recruitment questions you may have.