business people

HR, marketing & business development in Melbourne & Sydney

Kaleidoscope Legal Recruitment has an enviable reputation for recruiting legal professionals in Melbourne, Sydney and throughout Australia. Employees and employers alike appreciate that our short-lists are shorter and better-targeted, and they value the support we give both before and after placement.

But today’s large law firms, many of them employing hundreds, have just as great a need for HR and Marketing skills as any other large corporation, and the legal profession has excellent career opportunities for skilled HR, Marketing and Business Development personnel.

Roles include:

  • HR Assistants
  • HR Managers
  • HR Coordinators
  • Marketing Managers
  • Business Development Managers.


No formal legal training is necessary to succeed in legal practice HR, Marketing or Business Development Management, although we’re always keen to talk to lawyers or legal professionals who are interested in turning these disciplines. Some of the qualifications of our applicants we have placed in the past have included:

  • BSB41015 Cert IV in Human Resources
  • Human Resources Management Certificate
  • Graduate Certificate in Business (HR Management)
  • Graduate Diploma in Commerce (HR Management)
  • Masters of Business (HR Management)
  • Advanced Diploma of HR Management
  • Bachelor of Business – Majors such as: HR Management, Business Management, Economics, Marketing
  • Bachelor of Science (Psychology)
  • Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology)
  • Bachelor of Commerce – Majors such as Marketing and Management
  • Bachelor of Arts in Communications
  • Bachelor of Business – Marketing
  • Associate Diploma of Business Marketing

Of course, prior experience of working in a law firm, and exposure to legal work in general, are both distinct advantages. You can search our online database now for live vacancies. Even if we have no current roles to suit your experience, submit your CV and we will then have your details at hand when suitable positions arise.

Shorter Short Lists, Better Matches

At Kaleidoscope we not only go to great lengths to understand our applicants’ strengths and ambitions, but we take the same trouble with our employer clients. The result is that we bring to our recruiting a fine understanding of the work cultures of the firms we work with, resulting in better, more tightly focused matches.


The salaries for HR, Marketing and Business Development staff can earn vary according to individual circumstances, like their level of experience and the type of firm or team they are working in. Salary negotiation is something we can take care of for you. As specialist legal recruiters, we are experienced in making the best arrangement for both you and our clients. We are guided by the needs of both parties to find the right fit, and will always aim to negotiate the best possible salary.

As specialist legal recruiters, we know the Melbourne and Sydney legal industry well and can provide you with the advice you need to make an informed decision.


Hundreds of jobs available now. Search our current roles.


Send in your CV to one of our consultants today.


Contact us to discuss legal staffing solutions.